Tags Page

I am setting up a page to show tags made with my artwork.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Hummer Ride

A new digital painting from a sketch I did for SketchFest.

Water colour

I've been working on this watercolour painting and getting some great advice from other artists :)

Friday, August 17, 2012


I was in the mood to sketch today and since I've always been an Elvis fan I thought I'd try a portrait of him...graphite, charcoal and then digitally enhanced the shading...mainly because my scanner doesn't pick up the shading very well. A preview

Monday, August 13, 2012

Painted sketches

These are two of my sketches that I digitally painted...tubes will be out when I've finished a couple more.

More Sketch previews

SketchFest previews

Last weekend was SketchFest and here are some previews of sketches I did...a couple were coloured with Prisma coloured pencils